The IMPACT investigators gratefully acknowledge permission from the principal investigator of each study, where appropriate, from sponsoring pharmaceutical companies and from ABIC and EBIC to access the data for the purposes of the IMPACT project. Performing this work is only possible thanks to the tremendous efforts and dedication of all investigators, study personnel and monitoring staff who were involved in data collection for the original studies. We are sincerely indebted. Any investigator involved in one or more of the studies included in the IMPACT database is welcome to submit proposals for further research according to the policy described under data sharing. Such requests will receive priority.
We sincerely appreciate the vision of NIH-NINDS staff for eliciting this proposal,
the positive critique of the NIH reviewers and the funding provided. Any suggestions
for additional funding will be warmly welcomed. The IMPACT investigators hope that
this project may continue in the future expanding the IMPACT database as new studies
become available.